SUIA Tokenomic

There will be 100 million total SUIA tokens(no inflation), and the distribution is as follows:

  • 7% Community Access Program, no lock

  • 13% Early Contributors, 0–20 months linear unlock

  • 20% Teams,0–40 months linear unlock

  • 60% Community,0–50 months linear unlock

SUIA is used as a liquid asset for various functions, including the medium of exchange, functional privileges, and more complex functions realized in combination with eco-applications.

SUIA token plays an important role in governance by acting as a right to participate in on-chain voting on issues such as application upgrades.

Since the supply of SUIA tokens is limited, the same number of tokens will be needed for more economic activity as more and more users join.

Suia would gradually introduce mechanisms (with certain voting and technical safeguards) enabling any party unaffiliated with the Suia Project Contributors to modify/upgrade the functionality of the smart contracts or protocol, or to participate in other essential tasks and responsibilities.

In this way, future changes to the system or network would be driven by active users of the application themselves (instead of the original Suia Project Contributors) based on community voting. After the governance launch, there will be no individual or corporate entity or other active promoters, sponsor, group, or affiliated party that maintains sole control over Suia.
